Sacramento Democrats Keep Californians Paying More at the Pump

In case you missed it, the State Assembly is currently in a “Special Session” to address the cause of high gas prices. California Assembly Republicans have introduced several bills that independent analysis shows would reduce your gas prices.

Gas Price Republican Plan

These are common sense proposals that will make a difference. Unfortunately, in the State Capitol, common sense is an uncommon virtue. The Democrats just voted one of those proposals down, and haven’t even allowed the others to be heard.  


Democrats are not serious about reducing your gas prices.

“Democrats are going all in on Newsom’s agenda to drive gas prices even higher. The governor spent the last six years increasing gas costs at every turn – now he’s pushing a political stunt to divert the blame. For all his talk about high costs, Newsom won’t do a damn thing to bring prices down. Newsom is looking out for his political career and his Democrat allies in the Assembly are enabling him.” – Assemblyman James Gallagher

We are not giving up. Assembly Republicans have presented real, lasting solutions to Fix California. Californians deserve real leadership on the issues impacting working families across the state. But we can’t do this alone. We need your help to stop the Democrats’ insanity.

Call Governor Newsom today and tell him how you feel about gas prices!

Make Your Voice Heard

Thank you for standing up for common-sense and real solutions. Let’s keep pushing forward and working for a brighter future for all Californians!