Sacramento Democrats Double Down On Bad Policy, Raise Your Gas Prices

We are nearly one month into the “Special Session” of the State Legislature, and no meaningful action has been taken to actually reduce your gas prices. In fact, the Democrats just voted on a bill that independent analysis shows may actually INCREASE fuel costs.

Assembly Republicans, as well as our colleagues in the State Senate, have introduced several bills that would have actually lowered your gas prices.

The Democrats killed every single one of those bills with almost no debate or discussion.

Newsom’s special session is a sham!

But wait, it gets worse! Newsom’s California Air Resources Board is quietly pushing new regulations that could spike gas prices even further.

That’s right. Unelected bureaucrats will vote — conveniently, just days after the election — to update the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which could drive prices up as much as 65 cents per gallon.

It has gotten so bad that more major companies are threatening to leave California once and for all.

Enough is enough. We need real solutions now!

Make Your Voice Heard

California’s high gas prices are a policy choice. We cannot stand by while Newsom’s Sacramento Surcharge crushes our economy and drains our wallets. It’s time to demand real action, hold those responsible accountable, and fight for common-sense solutions that put Californians first.

Contact your representatives now and tell them you’ve had enough of these destructive policies!

Thank you for standing with us!